
Services we offer

Special Services From Our Yoga Studio.

If you’re new to yoga, our beginner’s classes are the perfect place to start your journey. Our instructors will introduce you to the fundamental postures and breathing exercises, helping you build strength, flexibility, and body awareness.

About Service

Experienced Yoga Studio Since 2020.

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We regularly host specialized workshops that focus on specific aspects of yoga, such as inversions, arm balances, restorative yoga, meditation, and more. These workshops offer a deeper exploration of yoga techniques and provide valuable insights to enhance your practice. Join us to expand your knowledge and refine your skills in a focused and supportive environment.

Our Service

Our Service That You Can Choose.


Yoga is a great gift to mankind that helps us keep better and maintain our health. You also develop a higher patience level when you practice yoga which also helps in keeping negative thoughts away.


Meditation lays the foundation for a calm, focused, higher level of mind that stimulants simply can't touch. Drop your energy drink. Pickup meditation.


the continuous flow of movement and breath generates a meditative state, encouraging practitioners to let go of thought and focus on experience of the present moment.

Self love

Yoga practice is an excellent way to reconnect with ourselves and boost our self-worth. It gives us the time to be still and care for ourselves deeply – in mind, body, and soul.

Body parts work

Yoga poses for specific parts of your body, from your lower back to your hamstrings and more. Plus, sequences and step-by-step pose instructions to enhance your practice.


Want a tighter core, solid arms and sculpted legs? Not only can yoga make you more flexible and reduce stress, it can also make your body strong. Now roll out your yoga mat and get ready to sweat!

Why Choose Us

Calming the mind is yoga. Not just standing on the head.

Join our invigorating yoga classes led by experienced instructors who will guide you through various yoga styles and techniques. From Hatha to Vinyasa, Yin to Ashtanga, we offer a diverse selection of classes to suit your preferences and goals.


Our studio is home to a team of passionate and highly skilled instructors.

Support Service

We are dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive environment.

Online Service

At Zeen Yoga Studio we also provide online yoga classes and support for individuals.


We believe in the power of connection and the strength that comes from practicing yoga together.


What They Say.

Etiam praesent nibh maximus pulvinar ipsum nascetur lacinia enim interdum eleifend bibendum volutpat massa senectus vehicula nunc

Malik Abdul Designation

Etiam praesent nibh maximus pulvinar ipsum nascetur lacinia enim interdum eleifend bibendum volutpat massa senectus vehicula nunc

Malik Abdul Designation

Etiam praesent nibh maximus pulvinar ipsum nascetur lacinia enim interdum eleifend bibendum volutpat massa senectus vehicula nunc

Malik Abdul Designation

Etiam praesent nibh maximus pulvinar ipsum nascetur lacinia enim interdum eleifend bibendum volutpat massa senectus vehicula nunc

Malik Abdul Designation
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